Got a burning question about your order? We got you.
Your Order
What is the status of my order?
Once you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email to track the status of your order.
Once your order is shipped we will send you another email to confirm the expected delivery date as well as the link to track your order (when the delivery method allows it).
Can I cancel or change my order?
We can only change orders that have not been processed for shipping yet. Please contact hello@themodernlove.co to request a change or cancellation.
How long does shipping take, and how can I track my package?
Once you've placed your order, it usually takes 24 to 48 hours to process it for delivery. Standard shipping time for the United States is 5-6 days.
Once your order is shipped we will send you an email to confirm you the expected delivery date as well as the link to track your order (when the delivery method allows it).
Store Policies
Do you accept returns?
We do not accept returns. Every purchase is final.
I received a damaged product. What do I do?
If you have received a damaged product, we'd be happy to replace it for you free of charge as long as you submit a request within 4 days of receiving the defective product. To submit a request and be sent a new product, please email hello@themodernlove.co with photos of the defect.
Defects include: Tears/rips, water damage, or a product that does not function properly.
Do you offer international shipping?
Yes, we offer international shipping through USPS. Shipping rates are automatically calculated at checkout. The standard prices average to about $12 for international shipping. If your shipping rates are above $20, please check in with us and we would be happy to look into an alternate shipping courrier with better rates.